To Un-Diet Your Life?

Dive into the magic of midlife and find food freedom and body confidence without feeling like you're just giving up on yourself.  



Midlife has arrived! And with it has come many welcome surprises, but maybe your changing body hasn't been one of them...You were expecting a few laugh lines, but you didn't expect to still be trying to figure out what to eat and worrying about your weight. You want to have the midlife you deserve, full of adventure, freedom and confidence. But instead, you find yourself more confused and frustrated than ever.

But you're not ready to give up yet...

You download an app (again), try a new workout and google "how to lose weight after 40" when you wake up at 3 am with a hot flash.

You're in the right place if you can relate to...

  • It's not working and something just isn't adding up. Despite your best efforts, the scale isn't moving. and if you're being honest, it's getting harder and harder to stick with something that just isn't working like it used to.
  • And you're starting to think about your health too...Now that you're in midlife (how did that happen?!?), you're starting to think about your long-term health, and are constantly reminded about how important nutrition is for women in perimenopause and menopause. You just want to feel confident that you're making the right decisions.
  • You want to believe there's a better way. There has to be more to life than dieting, right? Maybe you've heard about intuitive eating, maybe even read the book or listened to a podcast or two. You love the idea but keep coming back to these three things that I call "un-dieting dilemmas". In other words, they're the proverbial "but" that's holding you back from fully committing to intuitive eating.

These ARE 3 



Un-dieting Dilemma #1


Whether it's BMI, your "wedding weight" or the last time a diet "worked", you keep this number handy and feel like you should keep trying to get there no matter what.

Un-Dieting Dilemma #2


You've been trying to find the magic formula to make it work for as long as you can remember. But even if it's not working, you feel like you should keep trying.

Un-Dieting Dilemma #3


Even if (and that's a BIG if) you could accept your body, you strongly believe that you need to control your weight for health reasons.

Just for a moment, imagine what it would be like if...

  • You had the tools to stop getting stuck between wanting freedom from dieting and wanting to improve your nutrition? 
  • You fully understood the body changes that influence your health (not just the scale) in perimenopause and menopause? 
  • You had a firm grasp on what your body needs to thrive (not just survive) after 40 and could includes gentle nutrition strategies to improve your health? 
  • You had a plan to manage the other midlife changes that influence your body and health such as sleep, hormones, mood and movement? 
  • You had the tools to manage the habits and feelings at the root of your “emotional eating”?   
  • You no longer felt the need to start a new diet every Monday because you’ve finally made peace with food and trust your body to know what and when to eat?
WHAT IF YOU no longer lived in fear of what the scale was going to do?

It's time to try different, not harder.

You know that counting calories and getting on the scale every morning isn't making you feel better IN or ABOUT your body.

You haven't failed at dieting...dieting has failed you by making you believe that weight loss is the only path to health and a better body image. 

I want you to know that your body was never the problem...


It's time to try different, not harder.

You know that counting calories and getting on the scale every morning isn't making you feel better IN or ABOUT your body.

You haven't failed at dieting...dieting has failed you by making you believe that weight loss is the only path to health and a better body image. 

I want you to know that your body was never the problem...

WHAT IF I HANDED YOU THE KEYS TO real body confidence?

Body confidence isn't a number or a dress size. In fact, it has very little to do with your body at all!

Real body confidence comes from being able to act as someone who loves, trusts and respects their body.

Because despite all of diet culture's promises of how good it will feel to fit into those never feels easy, does it? And maintaining it will always feel like work.

Let's Do This ➡

Your body isn't the problem. And you don't need another diet or plan. What you do need is a way out of the diet cycle that will help you feel confident navigating midlife and menopause with food by your side.


Because you'll be playing on the same team!

Beyond The Scale

This one of a kind 12-week program will walk you through the process of un-dieting so you can get out of the diet cycle once and for all.

Make peace with food - without feeling like you're giving up on yourself.


By the end of Beyond The Scale, you'll have learned how to:

  • Have a relationship with food that feels easy and good, and nourishes your midlife body with kindness and respect. 
  • Understand why diets have never worked and how to apply intuitive eating to every season of life including midlife and menopause
  • Stop letting the number on the scale dictate your day, your mood and your life!

And you'll be able to achieve all of this with me by your side!

Unlike other courses and programs that leave you without so much as an email address to reach out to...I'll be with you every step of the way for 12 weeks!

Beyond The Scale

Your roadmap to making peace with food in midlife so you can stop feeling like you're at war with your body everyday

  • 12-weeks of un-dieting support
  • Understand why you're stuck in the diet cycle
  • Learn how to change your beliefs and build new habits
  • Learn how to work with your body in midlife and menopause instead of against it
  • Resources and recipes to inspire you
  • Connect with a small group of like-minded women
Join The Beyond The Scale

Get your hands on the exact process I've used to help hundreds of women break free from dieting and find the confidence they've been looking for in midlife.


You're going to




Step-by-step modules to walk you through the process of un-dieting and becoming an intuitive eater. It will feel like we're having a 1-1 chat over coffee, just you and me. I'll help inspire and guide you as you un-diet your life, one step at a time.


Each module comes with a workbook to use alongside the video lessons to keep you focused on doing the work of un-dieting. Each 8-10 page workbook has checklists, key take home messages and prompts to help you get to the other side!

Private group chat

No need to wait for the weekly call to celebrate the little wins that you want to share, or ask for support from me and your fellow un-dieters. This private chat is not on social media so you can feel assured it's a safe and private space.

Recipe Library

Gentle nutrition is at the core of intuitive eating, and my recipe library of 50+ recipes will always be at your fingertips so you can learn to build balanced plates with satisfaction in mind!

Lifetime access to the program

You'll never lose access to the course information so you can come back to it as often as you need to brush up your nondiet and intuitive eating skills. And you'll continue to benefit from future updates as well!

Weekly Group Calls

You'll come to treasure our weekly calls with a small group of women who are walking alongside you as work through the messy middle of un-dieting your life and learning how to truly make peace with food and find body confidence.

I know you're going to love these 

Let's really fast-track your un-dieting journey!
  • BONUS 1 --> 1-hour 1:1 clarity call with me to use anytime before or during the program. And there's the option for an extra 1:1 as a pay-in-full bonus! (Value: $350)
  • BONUS 2 --> Instant access to my brand-new self-paced Un-Dieters Guide to Intuitive Eating. (Value $150)
  • BONUS 3 --> Instant access to recordings of my most popular webinars -  'Menopause Nutrition for Un-Dieters' and 'What to Expect when You're Not Expecting Perimenopause' (Value: $500)
  • BONUS 4 --> 3-months in The Midlife Feast Membership community after the program ends so you can stay supposed as you continue your un-dieting journey! (Value: $150)
  • EARLY REGISTRATION BONUS --> 3 extra months in The Midlife Feast Community starting right away so you can get started right away. This time-limited bonus expires on August 5th!
GIMME ACCESS TO Beyond The Scale
Sign Me Up Now ➡


$997 CAD

  • No additional payments 
  • Spot is guaranteed in the program that starts September 2024 
  • Instant access to the bonuses   
  • TWO 1-hour clarity calls with me
  • SIX months of membership in The Midlife Feast Community 
Grab Your Spot!


$333 CAD

  • 3 monthly payment of $333 CAD
  • Spot is guaranteed in the program that starts September 2024 
  • Instant access to the bonuses   
  • ONE 1-hour clarity call with me
  • SIX months of membership in The Midlife Feast Community 
Grab Your Spot!


I know that the idea of not following a plan sounds like a crazy idea. I thought so too until I learned why restriction and controlling every single bit of my food was never going to bring me the peace and freedom I was looking for.

I promise you, it really is much easier than you think!

We aren't born believing that we need to count calories or macros to be healthy. And it's never too late to unlearn why it hasn't worked for you!

think of this as an invesment in your future health and happiness

Food freedom and body confidence awaits you!

I'm ready for this! ➡

And how am I qualified to be your midlife un-dieting guide?
Hi! I'm Jenn!

Here's what I wish I'd learned before turning 40.

I was a professional dieter for most of my adult life. I became a dietitian, and then a naturopathic doctor, and LIVED the "food is medicine mantra" until my mid- 30s. Then, in the midst of life with 3 young children and a crazy busy practice, perimenopause came in like a wrecking ball. My body not only looked different, it felt different. And like you, I was worried that my 40s would play out like every bad movie ever made about women in midlife.

But thankfully, I'd just discovered intuitive eating, and it was able to stay the course even though diet culture was telling me I had to give up carbs, skip breakfast and learn to like cauliflower-everything.

But what I really could have used was someone to explain how much and why my body would change in midlife. Physical changes aside, I didn't understand why I felt hungrier, or found it difficult to know when I was full. I was anxious and tired, and experiencing cravings like never before.

Which is how "Beyond the Scale" was born - out- of a desire to provide women in midlife with a plan that leaves diet culture out of the conversation.

Let's Talk Modules

The breakdown

The Hormone Soup of Midlife

You'll learn what's going on with your hormones in perimenopause and menopause, and why everything changes after 40. But unlike what you see in many places online, I'll make sure it's up to date and free of diet culture.


How Did I Get Here?

If you've been dieting for decades, you have to understand where you've come from. It's time to unpack (and re-wire) your beliefs about food, nutrition, midlife and health. The path to food freedom becomes clear once you understand where you've come from.


What Do I Need?

Diets tell your body what it should want, but intuitive eating teaches you to listen to what it needs with self-compassion and attunement. We'll learn how to tune in, and tune out the noise that's getting in the way.


The Hunger Games

Eating is complicated - or is it? Learn to listen to your body's cues of hunger and fullness and explore the emotional side of your relationship with food without guilt or shame.


Gentle Nutrition

Learn how to eat intuitively with intention, without falling into the diet trap. Food matters, but not in the way diet culture has taught you. You'll learn about how we benefit from structure, not rigidity when it comes to food. And I'll walk you through my signature framework for building balanced meals in midlife.


Body Confidence

Learning to love your body may feel like the final frontier, but this journey is just getting started.

Learn how to undiet your body image with body neutrality, kindness and respect. 

Beyond The Scale will make getting from food and body obsessed to food and body confidence in record time. This is your way out of the overwhelm of diet culture and into an intuitive relationship with food.

Let's get you started!

Not only will you get access to all the course materials and bonuses, but you'll also get any future updates I throw in! 

I am so thankful to have found Dr. Jenn and the Beyond The Scale program to steward me along my un-dieting menopausal journey. Along with a supportive and caring community of amazing women, Dr. Jenn's unparalleled knowledge and expertise helped me begin to care compassionately about myself, learn to enjoy my relationship with food and finally find freedom from diet culture!

Christine H

NOVA Scotia, Canada

I really enjoyed the program, I learned about what my body is going through this time in my life. I met amazing women on the same course, talking about how we feel about our body and our eating habits and knowing we are very similiar. We all connected. Jenn helped me realize that I need to love my body and I am finally coming to terms and accepting it. I can truly say, I feel so good about myself now.

Marta C

Woodbridge, ON

This program made me rethink things I didn’t even know I was thinking! Day by day I could feel a ‘weight’ lifting off my shoulders. Jenn is knowledgeable, easy to talk to, and she’s one of us! My life is changing for the better now!

Kathy O

Initially, I joined Jenn's program for the peri/menopause component. She clearly explained that it was more of an intuitive eating program with menopause components woven-in. "Yeah, yeah, " I thought, "I don't need to un-diet my life." Well, I was mistaken! The realization of how much diet/"wellness" culture has influenced my choices, rocked my foundations. I am grateful that I had Jenn's guidance and the support of our cohort during this time. The program was a financial investment and leap of faith, I am glad I trusted Jenn.

Vania C

I'm ready to join


As Brene Brown says, "Midlife is when the universe gently places her hands upon your shoulders, pulls you close, and whispers in your ear: I'm not screwing around."

Why waste another moment tracking food, counting calories and worrying that you're doing something wrong when you could be thriving in midlife?

Still Got Questions?

Beyond The Scale

Your roadmap to making peace with food in midlife so you can stop feeling like you're at war with your body everyday

  • 12-weeks of un-dieting support
  • Understand why you're stuck in the diet cycle
  • Learn how to change your beliefs and build new habits
  • Learn how to work with your body in midlife and menopause instead of against it
  • Resources and recipes to inspire you
  • Connect with a small group of like-minded women
Join Beyond The Scale Today

Get your hands on the exact process I've used to help hundreds of women break free from dieting and find the confidence they've been looking for in midlife.