Are you ready to reclaim joy in eating and find peace with your body, even through menopause? 

Learn to manage menopause without dieting and food rules.


Are you ready to reclaim joy in eating and find peace with your body, even through menopause? 

Let's manage menopause, without dieting and food rules.

Join Now

Raise your hand if...


➔You've tried every diet out there and can't understand why nothing "works" anymore


➔You don't recognize yourself in the mirror and are  struggling with body changes during midlife and menopause


➔You’re looking for a way of eating that doesn’t involve restriction, but will also support your health and feeling good in your body


You don't lack willpower or motivation.

You haven't failed at dieting. Dieting has failed you.


Trust me, you don't need another diet, meal plan, or list of foods to avoid. What you need is a fundamental shift in how you think about nutrition, how you eat, and the relationship you have with food and your body.

You're in the right place if...

  • You’re confused - Years of counting calories, cutting carbs, and tracking all the things have left you feeling a little lost. You  want to know more about what is happening to your body at this time of your life.

  • You’re feeling uncomfortable in your changing body and can't understand why nothing is “working” anymore. You want to stop feeling like midlife is a runaway train that's taking your self-confidence and body image for a ride.

  • You’re tired of how much your time is spent thinking about food and feeling bad about your body. You want to understand what ‘normal eating’ is and how to build habits and a mindset that will achieve it once and for all.

You're also in the right place if...

  • You want to know you're eating the right foods to support your health in menopause and beyond
  • You don't want to diet, but don't trust yourself to wing it either.
  • You want to believe that all foods can fit, but have questions about things like sugar and carbs.
  • You want need to figure out this food thing for good!

You just want to feel confident when it comes to food and nutrition, but keep getting pulled back into dieting and diet culture because it's the only way you know how to think about food...

Christine C, UK

This group has been a game changer for me at this tricky stage of midlife and it has been a joy to be welcomed into this community.

Thank you Jenn and to the wonderful community you have!

Laura L, Ontario

I really value you and feel that my membership costs are really excellent value with the learning library, the live events (with you or guests), the community connection in events as well as the sense of ‘we are all in this together’ which comes from the events, the chats, and the challenges.

If there's one thing I want you to know, it's that you're not alone!


And it's not your fault if you feel "nothing is working" anymore...  

Imagine what it will feel like to:

  • Stop relying on Dr Google to know what foods help with hot flashes, or how much protein you need in menopause because you've got a community ready to point you in the right direction.
  • Trust your body to know what, when, and how much to eat by using hunger, fullness, and satisfaction cues. No more playing food tetris in an app to make the numbers work!
  • Get off the dieting rollercoaster and learn to embrace gentle nutrition so you don't have to feel torn between what you want and what you need
  • Choose foods that you enjoy instead of only because they fit your food rules. Imagine choosing something because you like it, and not just because it's gluten-free, grain-free and high-protein.
  • Work with your changing body in this season of life, and build real body confidence that's flexible and resilient, and not tied to your clothing size.

What would it be worth to you, to feel like [insert amazing feeling]?

Here are the 6 ways you’ll find support in The Midlife Feast Community

On-demand learning library

Learn about cholesterol, cravings, hot flashes and mood changes with short video modules and handouts.

Menopause information you can trust

Keep diet & wellness culture out of the conversation and let me keep you up-to-date on menopause health and nutrition

Recipe Library

Inspiration at your fingertips! Gentle nutrition meets food joy with more than 50 easy and delicious recipes


Share your midlife cheers and challenges in our private community that's not on social media

Group Coaching

2 x monthly group calls give you the chance to put what you've learned into practice, and connect with me and like-minded women

Intuitive Eating Support

Women in any stage of their intuitive eating journey will find information, support and a welcoming community

You'll also benefit from a team approach

Meet Christine

Christine Chessman is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor and a Strength and Mobility Coach with a non-diet and brain based approach to fitness.
She's passionate about women moving more freely, listening to their bodies and taking up space in the bodies they are in today!
Christine is our joyful movement coordinator and she inspires us to make movement fun!
Join us!

Meet Amanda

As an undiet dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor, Amanda Bullat serves as a guide and mentor to her clients - partnering with them to heal their relationship with food and their body through intuitive eating, mindfulness, and her unique SAVOR Strategies of Healing.

Amanda will support your un-dieting and menopause nutrition journeys and will offer regular coaching calls that are well-suited to those in more western time zones.

Join us!

Wouldn't it be nice if food felt easy, and you could stop thinking about it all the time?

Here's why most menopause nutrition advice doesn't work


➔ It's focused on WHAT you eat instead of WHY and HOW you eat.

➔It uses a one-size-fits-all approach that doesn't fit your life

➔It relies on numbers and rules to keep you accountable

➔It's based on restriction instead of permission

And most importantly, it's not taking into account all of the other things that impact your relationship with food, like the hormones changes of midlife

Here's why The Midlife Feast Community is different


➔ 2 x monthly group coaching calls and support making gentle nutrition work for you in menopause

➔ On-demand modules and resources to help support sleep, mood, hot flashes and the entire experience of midlife, not just nutrition

➔ A library of recipes to inspire and support your gentle nutrition goals

➔ A community of people who are in the same season of life so you can feel connected to others who know what you're going through!


When you Join The Midlife Feast Community you'll find:

  • Digestible pieces of information about all the things that can influence not only what you eat, but why perimenopause and menopause make everything feel so different.
  • A private community that's ready to support your cheers and challenges
  • A standing invitation to join the monthly gentle nutrition challenges to help support your gentle nutrition goals
  • Handouts, resources and bonus content to help you feast on midlife!

Here's everything that's included in
The Midlife Feast Community

With this membership you'll get:

  • Instant access to a growing learning library of content to support you in midlife
  •  Instant access to the recipe library and gentle nutrition meal planning 
  • 2 x group coaching calls per month (recordings available)
  • Guest Experts
  • 15-minute 1:1 clarity calls with me when you need more support
  • A private community of like-minded women 
  • Weekly AMA (ask me anything) in the community where you can ask anything about midlife, menopause or nutrition and get input from me and your fellow community members

Let's rock midlife and menopause together.



$55 CAD

Recurring payment, cancel anytime

Full Access to All Content
30-minute 1:1 Welcome Call




$497 CAD

BEST Value - Save 25%

Full Access to All Content
30-minute 1:1 Welcome Call
BONUS 1 hour 1:1 Clarity Call


* PLUS *

You also get these bonuses to ensure you have what you need to feel confident in this season of life!

Bonus 1

Instant access to my 'Menopause Nutrition for Un-Dieters Masterclass' replay

Bonus 2

Early access and special pricing on my signature 3-month group program, Beyond The Scale

Bonus 3

Instant access to my self-paced Intuitive Eating course for anyone who is just getting started with intuitive eating.

I've Still Got Questions

No problem - check out the most frequently asked ones below...

Are you ready to feast on midlife? 

  I'll see you on the inside!

Yes! I'm Ready!

Are you ready to feast on midlife?

 I'll see you on the inside!
Yes! I'm Ready